Playing means movement, spontaneity,
improvement, research, communication. Playing is
free expression of intelligence, ability,
creative energy, casuality.. Playing is life, is
have fun, is learning for interest , for
curiosity, for imitation. Playing is live “here
and now” with creativity and extemporariness,
without a rigid development of activities and
without space and temporal restrictions, only
those of game.
Playing is so an art where
people enjoy themselves and they learn to know
from experience. For example, playing allows to
understand spontaneously the cases rules,
movements, jokes and paradoxes.
Therefore, Playing, is a natural and
joyful activity, but also involves a deep
phisycal partecipation, emotional and
intellectual. This different level of internal
partecipation allows to recognize if an activity
is a simple game or an hobby. Playing excites
and involves who takes part in it, while hobby
(free time)allows also a rest and a deactivation
of physical and psychical energies.
Playing is therefore a serious
engagement , which involves the whole characther
of every participant ( a typical expression is :
“don’t joke, we’re playing”)
Game is a competition or a friendly
collaboration in a race that prove abilities and
participant’s skills. Game is an educational
moment, a social activity, an exchange of
psycological and authentic relationships. Game
is “making out”, is a mental conscious illusion
, is a simulation of reality ( for example: “Now
we play at being mother and father, or“now I am
the doctor and you are sick”) or is an
ipothetycal mental imagination that turns around
a concept, an idea, an argument.
Playing means learning to understand how
every part and every mechanism articulates,
thus it means learn to adapt and to know the
reality of every point of view (“the game of
parts”). Playing is to bring oneself into
question ( typical expression is “to bring
oneself into play”); playing is transforming
oneself and imagine reality in relation to the
game’s rule.
Therefore is important that every
educator (parent, teacher, social operators),
learn to play, know customs/ features/ rules/
functions/ of Game as Educational Methodology
and is able to realize it in differents kind of